“Affliction will not rise a second time”. In today’s prophetic update, we see the devastating effect of the recent Brazil storm that left great ruins and more than thirteen thousand people across Oklahoma without power. Recall that Joseph Z had warned about weather manipulation in his past videos, specifically in his live broadcast of March 20, 2024. On that same broadcast, we see a clip of how the weather is manipulated; exposing that more of this will come if the wrong leader gets into office in the next election. He further alerts us about the extremes of weather manipulations and how this poses a danger to society, as seen in the devastating Brazil storm. Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: https://linktr.ee/zministries Also, he reveals that we will see notable and monumental crashes with airplanes while insisting that satellite and cyber issues will make the news soon. He further informs us that there will be hacking issues associated with satellites that will be blamed on solar flares. This will give room for a savior who will utilize the opportunity created by these problems to introduce a new tech. Once more, he recalls his live broadcast of May 9, 2024, where he divulges the mysterious historical bottles of cherries found at George Washington’s Mt. Vermont estate in Virginia. In like manner, Joseph gives a prophetic interpretation of this recent discovery at George Washington's estate, revealing that this is a sign of preservation coming to the United States. He insists that the righteous will be preserved, citing the Book of Nahum 1: 2 to warn that, not only is the Lord slow to anger, but also great in power and will not leave the guilty unpunished. He insists that we’re in the days of Noah but the sign of Jonah is the sign of what Jesus did while revealing that the Book of Nahum is dealing once again with Nineveh only that this time, it’s eighty-seven years after Jonah went to Nineveh. Interestingly, he reveals some prophetic insights into the coming eclipse in DC, linking it to the 2111 August 4, Greatest Eclipse. Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:41 Weather Manipulation 02:44 Detailed Clip of Weather Manipulation 13:39 More Airline/Aircraft Issues 15:12 Satellites & Hacking Issues 19:30 Recent Historical Discovery at George Washington’s Estate 24:55 Nahum 1:2: Our Lord is a Jealous God 27:02 The Days of Noah & The Sign of Jonah 30:07 The Year 2111 Greatest Eclipse 39:03 Sneak Peek of our Travels: Thank You, Partners! 46:24 Conclusion May 10, 2024 #josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #weathermanipulation #greatesteclipseof2111 #preservation #news